التصنيف: Beauty

How to determine your skin type

كيفية تحديد نوع بشرتك

Let’s first talk about why it’s important to know your skin type. Knowing your skin type helps you learn how to help your skin by choosing products specifically designed for your skin type. Using the wrong products or treating the wrong skin type may not give you the results you’re looking for. So how can

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Common skincare mistakes

أخطاء العناية بالبشرة الشائعة

Let’s talk about some of the common skincare mistakes you should avoid: Skipping sunscreen: Whether its cloudy, raining, snowing, whatever the weather condition, you need to apply sunscreen every day! Sun exposure can cause so many skin conditions such as pigmentation, sunburn, skin damage and skin cancer. Remember, it’s better to prevent than treat the

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